Tooth Brushing Resistance – How to Teach Your Child That Brushing Can Be Fun!

Teaching your child to take care of their teeth is just one way you can show them how to take responsibility for their body.  This can be a challenge because toddlers are motivated mainly by fun and pleasure, not by health and necessity.  If you want to end your child’s resistance to brushing, your best bet is to make this chore a fun ritual for them.  They will eventually catch on that brushing their teeth is a regular and necessary part of taking care of their whole body—and they’ll enjoy doing it.  Here are some tricks you can use to Read More →

Common Issues with Children’s Teeth

There can be A LOT of questions when it comes to a child’s teeth. Are they coming in right? Are they too crowded? Why did my child’s tooth turn gray? These can be difficult to understand without an exam with a dentist, but we asked our hygienist, Erin, to give us an idea of some of the more common issues with children’s teeth. Here is what she had to say:   Trauma/Tooth Discoloration: If a trauma has occurred, such as a fall or being hit in the mouth with an object, and the child’s front teeth have been hit, the damaged Read More →

Tips For Fresh Breath

If you have bad breath, you are not alone! Many of our patients deal with this, so we asked our hygienists to provide some tips to help you keep your breath feeling fresh! Be sure to brush thoroughly for two minutes, twice per day. Be sure you brushing thoroughly around your back teeth (molars) where plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath can more easily hide. Floss thoroughly once daily to get that pesky plaque and bacteria that hides between your teeth! Rinse with Listerine or Crest Pro-Health mouthwash. Both are proven to kill bacteria in the mouth. Brush Read More →

Do I need to Floss?

Have you heard all the recent hype about not needing to floss anymore? Well, let’s look at what this is really about. Since 1979, the federal government has recommended flossing. Last year, the associated press reviewed 25 studies that compared brushing alone versus brushing and flossing. This review concluded that the evidence for flossing was “weak and very unreliable.” As a result, the Department of Health and Human Services removed the flossing recommendation this year. However, the American Dental Association (ADA) sites several other studies that show the benefits of flossing. The ADA and Family Dentist Tree will continue to Read More →

Where are those baby teeth?!

You hear awful stories about more tantrums, extra saliva, and a general fussiness while your baby is teething! Unfortunately, we are not able to help you out with the things that seem to come along with teething, but we can help you know when to expect it. Primary teeth, more often referred to as baby teeth, are already developing by the time your baby is born. All teeth will generally erupt before three years of age, beginning with the bottom front teeth (central incisors) between 6 and 10 months old. The upper front teeth are next, coming in at 8-12 Read More →

What type of dental cleaning is right for you?

Have you ever been told you need a “deep cleaning” at your dental visit? Do you feel you get a different or more expensive cleaning than others in your family? Our staff at Family Dentist Tree is here to help you understand why different types of cleanings are recommended for our many patients. To begin, the type of cleaning recommended is most commonly based on the stages of periodontal disease. As bacteria eventually forms plaque in your mouth, it’s by products begin to break down the tissues that hold your teeth in place. This forms “pockets” that allow plaque to Read More →

Teething 101

With a growing son of her own, our hygienist, Christina, knows that teething happens. It’s inevitable, and it’s not always fun. The day your little infant’s rubber gums finally pop that new tooth through is exciting! That first day is also stressful, knowing approximately nineteen other pearly whites will soon follow suit. Teething typically begins around 6 months old, although some infants don’t get their first tooth until closer to 12-14 months. A complete set of 20 teeth should be in your child’s mouth around the age of 2.5-3 years old. Many parents complain of the sleepless nights and the increased Read More →

How Can Your Phone Help Your Oral Hygiene?

Maintaining a regular brushing routine can be difficult no matter what age we are. The recommended two times a day for two minutes can be easily overlooked in our busy lives. Our hygienist, Erin, is here to tell you how you can be sure you are achieving your daily goals and that you’re having fun doing it with new technology!   For teens and adults there are multiple phone apps to aid in daily brushing. Brush DJ is a free app that is available for all types of devices and plays your favorite songs right from your phone or tablet Read More →

Don’t throw away that old toothbrush!

For many patients, the highlight of their dental cleaning appointment is taking home their brand new toothbrush. Before you throw away the old one, consider the many alternative uses for this handy gadget. Before re-using, you should first clean the brush by soaking in bleach for 3 minutes then rinsing thoroughly and air drying. Now you’re ready to start cleaning lots of things around the house and garage. Easily remove crayon marks from walls when used with a small amount of non-gel toothpaste. Get the grime from around faucets and other fixtures using white vinegar. The toothbrush can reach the Read More →

Great Inventions

Great inventions don’t have to be complicated. A new survey by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology asked Americans to name five inventions they could not live without. As expected, the smart phone, personal computer and automobile made the list, but the humble toothbrush emerged the undisputed champ as the most prized innovation. It’s been a long road to the top for the toothbrush. Prior to the toothbrush, people used bones, feathers and frayed twigs to clean their teeth.  The first bristle toothbrush was invented in the 15th century in China and was originally concocted of boar’s hair and bone.  The Read More →