Dr. Robert Stroope is a married, fifty-something eclectic. Branching out from software engineering for IBM, he launched his dental career at Family Dentist Tree in 2001 after graduating from the University of Minnesota Dental School. An avid lifelong learner, Dr. Stroope keeps abreast of the latest dental techniques, materials, and technologies. Stemming from a strong desire to help others, he frequently volunteers as a handyman with Family Service Rochester. Normally self-deprecating, Dr. Stroope “toots his own horn” as a euphoniumist with the Rochester Community Band.
He fiddles with hammers and power tools once in a while (but tries to avoid doing so at the office) and generally likes to keep his hands occupied. In addition to shaping beautiful smiles, Dr. Stroope has received accolades for his ice, sand, and pumpkin carvings. He usually embarrasses himself playing golf, and struggles to keep up with his wife, three sons, two beautiful granddaughters, two coonhounds and a dachshund. He wanders the occasional forest path wrestling with transcendentalism (pun intended).
- Opalescence®
- Volunteer handyman with Family Service Rochester
- Care Credit
- University of Minnesota Postgraduate Program in Contemporary & Esthetic Dentistry
- Zumbro Valley Dental Society