Did you know that dental erosion can affect patients of all ages? Dental erosion does not happen overnight, but it can have serious consequences if left untreated.
What is dental erosion and why is it an issue?
Dental erosion begins when acids wear down the outer protective layer of your teeth, called enamel. If left untreated, erosion slowly weakens your teeth, making them more susceptible to issues such as sensitivity, cavities, and fracture.
What causes erosion?
Certain medications and medical conditions can contribute to erosion, such as acid reflux and some asthma or antihistamine medications. However, consumption of acidic foods and beverages with a pH value of 5.5 or less is the leading cause. Some common examples of acidic foods and beverages include:
What happens if tooth erosion is left untreated?
When left untreated, tooth erosion can lead to:
- Tooth sensitivity
- Pain
- Discoloration
- Decay
- Chipped, broken or cracked teeth
What can I do to prevent erosion?
- Maintain a healthy diet and limit consumption of acidic foods and drinks, especially between meal times.
- Rinse your mouth with water between snacks and meals.
- Follow proper oral care guidelines, such as brushing twice daily for two minutes and flossing daily.
- Regular checkups and cleanings at your dental office.