Root Canals vs. Extractions: Pros and Cons

When tooth pain strikes, our instinct is to get relief quickly. Toothaches seem to happen at the most inconvenient times and can put a damper on our plans. But often, there are options, such as root canals and extractions, to treat a tooth that is causing severe pain. If a tooth has been injured from previous trauma, dental work or decay, your dentist will assess the extent of the injury and determine whether the tooth is savable. If there is enough tooth structure left and the tooth hasn’t already been previously treated with a root canal, your dentist may recommend Read More →

What to Do When You Chip a Tooth

From Christina, Dental Hygienist: We all know someone who took a bite out of an apple and heard that dreaded crunch that signified a chipped tooth. Check out our tips for what to do when you chip a tooth and how each solution depends on the size and extent of the fracture. Smooth Over the Teeth If your tooth doesn’t have a deep fracture or if the neighboring teeth were already a bit shorter than the fractured tooth, smoothing over the chipped tooth to match the teeth around it may be a great option to consider. Even a smallest chip Read More →