How to Prevent Dry Mouth at Night

Dry mouth has many causes, including medications, sleep apnea, allergies and dehydration. It is uncomfortable and, if untreated, can lead to accelerated cavities. Many times, a patient adds a new medication to their list that has the unwanted side effect of dry mouth. While medications are obviously needed to maintain your health, the side effects need to be monitored closely. Most patients introduced to these meds may have recession areas. These areas are more prone to cavities because they are not as strong as enamel. As a result, they tend to develop cavities when in the presence of dry mouth. Read More →

Your Dentist May Be Able To Stop Your Snoring!

Are you one of the estimated 90 million people that snore?  Does snoring keep you or your partner awake at night?  Did you know that a dentist can help? During sleep, soft tissues and muscles in the mouth and throat relax, moving the lower jaw further back. The result is a smaller airway and reduced air flow as you breath at your normal rate. Your soft palate and uvula along with other soft tissues vibrate in the smaller airway and cause an increased “sound” associated with our breathing. A snore guard is an appliance which aides in bringing the lower jaw forward Read More →