Options for Teeth Whitening

Most people desire a dazzling white smile. But with so many available teeth whitening tools and products, where should you start? There are several whitening products on the market and available over the counter, but not all of these options work. Whitening rinses and toothpastes do not sit on your teeth long enough to make much of a difference. Teeth whitening toothpastes often have very abrasive particles that act as a surface stain remover, but can’t actually penetrate the tooth to attain a whiter smile. In turn, these pastes can create or worsen tooth sensitivity. Crest Whitestrips are an over Read More →

Teeth Whitening: Leave it to the Professionals

via GIPHY x Probably the easiest step you can take is just swapping out your regular toothpaste and mouthwash for a whitening variety, which can help to lighten stains with regular use. Beyond that, home whitening kits come in a variety of forms, from pens, to strips, and complete mouth guard kits. Depending on the kit’s ingredients and brand, you’re probably able to pick one up at your local grocery store or drugstore. However, while home kits are affordable and easily accessible, most don’t contain enough active ingredients to effectively lift stains from the teeth. In fact, legally, these products Read More →

Do whitening toothpastes really work?

Many of our patients ask us whether whitening toothpastes really whiten their teeth, so we asked Dr. Peters for clarification on this question. “They can to a limited extent. Whitening toothpastes have mild abrasives in them that help scrub away surface stains. The key here is that whitening toothpastes only work on the surface of teeth. They won’t whiten the inside of the tooth where most of the pigment is. You may notice a mild whitening of your teeth when you first switch to a whitening toothpaste, but after the surface stain is removed, you probably won’t get any additional Read More →