Effects of Abrasive Toothpastes

There has been a lot of buzz going around about the additives in toothpaste and what they do to our teeth. Many people look for whitening or tartar control toothpastes to brighten their smile, while others are on the hunt for a paste that allows them to eat ice cream without cringing. How do we decide what toothpastes are good for our teeth and which ones to avoid? Our office now hands out a list of toothpastes widely used on the market and where they land in abrasiveness. It is a good way to choose a toothpaste option that is Read More →

How abrasive is my toothpaste and what’s it doing to my teeth?

All toothpaste has some type of abrasiveness to it especially when coupled with a toothbrush; just how abrasive that can be is measured by RDA (Relative Dentin Abrasion). The ADA created a range of abrasivity that rates different toothpastes and their effect on the teeth. Their list ranges from 0-250 and is broken into 4 sections (Low Abrasive to Regarded as a Harmful Limit). Enamel is not as susceptible to abrasion (the wear on the teeth from a mechanical source, like a toothbrush with toothpaste) because of the hardness of the structure. The underlying structures of enamel like dentin and Read More →