Tips For Fresh Breath

If you have bad breath, you are not alone! Many of our patients deal with this, so we asked our hygienists to provide some tips to help you keep your breath feeling fresh! Be sure to brush thoroughly for two minutes, twice per day. Be sure you brushing thoroughly around your back teeth (molars) where plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath can more easily hide. Floss thoroughly once daily to get that pesky plaque and bacteria that hides between your teeth! Rinse with Listerine or Crest Pro-Health mouthwash. Both are proven to kill bacteria in the mouth. Brush Read More →

Do You Have a Cavity?

Have you ever awoken with a toothache and feared it was a cavity? You may not have even known that a cavity had been forming on your tooth because not all cavities are visible to the naked eye, and do not always show signs and symptoms right away. We asked our Licensed Dental Assistant, Jamie, to help us understand signs, symptoms, and prevention. The most common signs to look for are: Pain when biting down Pain when eating or drinking something sweet Pain while eating or drinking something hot or cold Holes or pits on the biting surface of your tooth Read More →

How Did Invisalign Work For You?

We asked our hygienist, Valerie about her experience with Invisalign. Here is what she had to say: “Invisalign is a clear aligner system that straightens your teeth. I just finished up with my Invisalign trays last week! I did Invisalign mostly to correct my bite and I’m so happy that I decided to do this. As an adult I felt that Invisalign was a great option. I knew that I would be compliant with the recommended wear of 22 hours/day. This also allowed me to easily keep up my good home care with flossing and brushing. At the end of treatment Read More →

Counting Our Blessings

The holidays are here and family and friends seem to be around every corner! We want to take a moment to reflect on some of the things that we are thankful for here at Family Dentist Tree! We are thankful for the clothes we have that seem fit a little bit snug, because it means we have food on our tables and plenty to eat. We are thankful for the messes we clean up after a party, because it means we have friends and family. We are thankful that our lawns need mowing and our windows need fixing, because it means we all have a home. Read More →

How do I know if I clench or grind my teeth?

Do you ever wake up with a stiff, sore jaw and/or headache? Do you feel like your teeth are sensitive to cold drinks? If you have any of these symptoms, you could be clenching or grinding your teeth! Most people aren’t aware of this habit, as it is generally done during sleep. Grinding your teeth can be very damaging. It contributes to breaking and chipping, can reduce sleep quality, and in severe cases it can damage the nerves in your teeth, resulting in a need for a root canal. This condition is also called Bruxism. Studies indicate that people who clench or grind their teeth can Read More →

Surprising Myths & Facts about Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth (or third molars) get their nickname by the age in which the teeth normally erupt (usually around 17-25 years old). This time in a young adult’s life is sometimes referred to as the “age of wisdom,” which is debatable for some people. Myth: Everybody is born with wisdom teeth. Fact: 35% of the population is born without wisdom teeth. Myth: You can tell if you have wisdom teeth. Fact: Not being able to see your wisdom teeth does not mean they’re not there. That’s because wisdom teeth can be enclosed within the soft tissue or the jawbone. Therefore, an x-ray Read More →

Do I need to Floss?

Have you heard all the recent hype about not needing to floss anymore? Well, let’s look at what this is really about. Since 1979, the federal government has recommended flossing. Last year, the associated press reviewed 25 studies that compared brushing alone versus brushing and flossing. This review concluded that the evidence for flossing was “weak and very unreliable.” As a result, the Department of Health and Human Services removed the flossing recommendation this year. However, the American Dental Association (ADA) sites several other studies that show the benefits of flossing. The ADA and Family Dentist Tree will continue to Read More →

Quick Fixes With Toothpaste

Toothpaste has always been thee product to help keep your teeth clean, but it actually has many uses that don’t involve your mouth! (Non-gel toothpaste is recommended for alternative uses). A trip to the jewelry store is not always easy or convenient just to have your ring cleaned. So, when in need, take an old toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste, scrub your jewelry, rinse under water, and then look at it shine! Do you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews? Provide daycare or babysit a lot? It seems inevitable that one of your kids wil get a hold of a crayon and Read More →

How do you know if you have a cavity?

Have you ever woke up with a toothache and feared you may have a cavity? You may not have known that a cavity was forming on your tooth because not all cavities are visible to the naked eye. Here are some signs and symptoms to look for if you fear you may have a cavity: -Pain while biting down. -Pain while eating or drinking something sweet. -Pain while eating or drinking something hot/cold. -Holes or pits on the biting surface of your tooth. -Brown or black stain on any surface of your tooth. The most common place for cavities to Read More →

how to care for your night guard

You’ve heard the reasons why to get a night guard, but how often do we talk about how to properly care for your night guard to keep it working for you for a long time? Here are some tips: Always store your night guard in the case provided for you by your dental office. If you lose your case, contact your dentist office to get a new one.  Keep your night guard away from pets. All too often a pet is the reason for needing a new night guard! Clean your night guard with a toothbrush and warm water after Read More →