Root Canals vs. Extractions: Pros and Cons

When tooth pain strikes, our instinct is to get relief quickly. Toothaches seem to happen at the most inconvenient times and can put a damper on our plans. But often, there are options, such as root canals and extractions, to treat a tooth that is causing severe pain. If a tooth has been injured from previous trauma, dental work or decay, your dentist will assess the extent of the injury and determine whether the tooth is savable. If there is enough tooth structure left and the tooth hasn’t already been previously treated with a root canal, your dentist may recommend Read More →

The Truth About Root Canals

A root canal may not be a dream day at the dentist, but sometimes it is necessary. In some cases, it is needed when a cavity is too deep and extends into the nerve of the tooth. A root canal may also be needed if a tooth has a crack that extends into the nerve. Both of these issues can cause a nasty toothache, which you’ll want taken care of quickly. What is a Root Canal? A root canal is a process in which the top of the tooth is opened and the nerve is accessed. The dentist or endodontist Read More →

Wisdom about Wisdom Teeth!

Third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) are the four teeth located furthest back in the mouth, and are the last to develop, usually beginning around age 16. Keep in mind the age for wisdom teeth development can vary greatly; some people don’t develop wisdom teeth at all, and some develop more than four! Whether your teeth are currently causing an issue or not, your dentist may recommend you get them extracted. Wisdom teeth can be monitored by your dentist using a panorex x-ray. This x-ray identifies presence, alignment and orientation of the wisdom teeth. There are several reasons a Read More →

Do You Have a Cavity?

Have you ever awoken with a toothache and feared it was a cavity? You may not have even known that a cavity had been forming on your tooth because not all cavities are visible to the naked eye, and do not always show signs and symptoms right away. We asked our Licensed Dental Assistant, Jamie, to help us understand signs, symptoms, and prevention. The most common signs to look for are: Pain when biting down Pain when eating or drinking something sweet Pain while eating or drinking something hot or cold Holes or pits on the biting surface of your tooth Read More →

Foods To Feed Your Teeth

We all know which foods we to avoid that can be harmful to your teeth, but do you know what foods are healthy for your teeth and why? Samantha, a licensed and certified dental assistant, and administrative assistant at Family Dentist Tree is here to help you out! First up on the list is milk. Yep! Your mom was right! Milk is a great source of calcium which is a key ingredient in strengthening tooth enamel. Cheese is another great source of calcium. It can also aid in neutralizing the acid levels in your mouth and promoting saliva flow, a natural defense against cavities, gum disease, Read More →