Where are those baby teeth?!

You hear awful stories about more tantrums, extra saliva, and a general fussiness while your baby is teething! Unfortunately, we are not able to help you out with the things that seem to come along with teething, but we can help you know when to expect it.

teething chart
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Primary teeth, more often referred to as baby teeth, are already developing by the time your baby is born. All teeth will generally erupt before three years of age, beginning with the bottom front teeth (central incisors) between 6 and 10 months old.

The upper front teeth are next, coming in at 8-12 months, with the upper lateral incisors coming in right after at 9-13 months.

It can be a common misconception that these teeth don’t need as much care. After all, they are baby teeth; they will fall out. On the contrary, these teeth are needed for chewing, speaking, and the development of the mouth and permanent teeth. Missing teeth can result in changes in the development in your little one’s smile.

Be sure you are teaching your child healthy brushing and flossing habits as soon as the first tooth comes in, as teeth become susceptible to cavities as soon as they erupt. These healthy habits will also help prevent cavities as the permanent teeth erupt, beginning around 6 years of age.

A child’s first dental appointment is generally around 3 years of age; however, if you suspect problems with the development of your child’s smile, you should contact your dentist before 3 years old.