Tips For Fresh Breath

If you have bad breath, you are not alone! Many of our patients deal with this, so we asked our hygienists to provide some tips to help you keep your breath feeling fresh! Be sure to brush thoroughly for two minutes, twice per day. Be sure you brushing thoroughly around your back teeth (molars) where plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath can more easily hide. Floss thoroughly once daily to get that pesky plaque and bacteria that hides between your teeth! Rinse with Listerine or Crest Pro-Health mouthwash. Both are proven to kill bacteria in the mouth. Brush Read More →

Meet Dr. Templeton!

We welcomed Dr. Kristen Templeton to our office in September 2016 and thought you would like to get to know her a little better! Our Business Manager, Marie, has kindly put this together! Where were you born and raised? I was born and raised in Edina, MN. My family is Canadian. They moved to Minnesota for my Dad’s residency and never left! I loved growing up in the cities, so moving to Rochester has been a little bit of an adjustment for me, although I am growing to love the smaller city atmosphere. Do you have any siblings? I have Read More →

How do I know if I clench or grind my teeth?

Do you ever wake up with a stiff, sore jaw and/or headache? Do you feel like your teeth are sensitive to cold drinks? If you have any of these symptoms, you could be clenching or grinding your teeth! Most people aren’t aware of this habit, as it is generally done during sleep. Grinding your teeth can be very damaging. It contributes to breaking and chipping, can reduce sleep quality, and in severe cases it can damage the nerves in your teeth, resulting in a need for a root canal. This condition is also called Bruxism. Studies indicate that people who clench or grind their teeth can Read More →

Surprising Myths & Facts about Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth (or third molars) get their nickname by the age in which the teeth normally erupt (usually around 17-25 years old). This time in a young adult’s life is sometimes referred to as the “age of wisdom,” which is debatable for some people. Myth: Everybody is born with wisdom teeth. Fact: 35% of the population is born without wisdom teeth. Myth: You can tell if you have wisdom teeth. Fact: Not being able to see your wisdom teeth does not mean they’re not there. That’s because wisdom teeth can be enclosed within the soft tissue or the jawbone. Therefore, an x-ray Read More →

Quick Fixes With Toothpaste

Toothpaste has always been thee product to help keep your teeth clean, but it actually has many uses that don’t involve your mouth! (Non-gel toothpaste is recommended for alternative uses). A trip to the jewelry store is not always easy or convenient just to have your ring cleaned. So, when in need, take an old toothbrush and a dab of toothpaste, scrub your jewelry, rinse under water, and then look at it shine! Do you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews? Provide daycare or babysit a lot? It seems inevitable that one of your kids wil get a hold of a crayon and Read More →

Where are those baby teeth?!

You hear awful stories about more tantrums, extra saliva, and a general fussiness while your baby is teething! Unfortunately, we are not able to help you out with the things that seem to come along with teething, but we can help you know when to expect it. Primary teeth, more often referred to as baby teeth, are already developing by the time your baby is born. All teeth will generally erupt before three years of age, beginning with the bottom front teeth (central incisors) between 6 and 10 months old. The upper front teeth are next, coming in at 8-12 Read More →

What type of dental cleaning is right for you?

Have you ever been told you need a “deep cleaning” at your dental visit? Do you feel you get a different or more expensive cleaning than others in your family? Our staff at Family Dentist Tree is here to help you understand why different types of cleanings are recommended for our many patients. To begin, the type of cleaning recommended is most commonly based on the stages of periodontal disease. As bacteria eventually forms plaque in your mouth, it’s by products begin to break down the tissues that hold your teeth in place. This forms “pockets” that allow plaque to Read More →


We know that it is important for professional athletes to wear a mouth guard during sports, but how often do you recognize the need for your child to wear one during their school sports? We asked our hygienist, Valerie, a mother of two boys in hockey to help us understand what options are out there. Mouth guards help to protect not only your teeth but your jaw, cheeks, tongue and lips. Although they are not always required, the American Dental Association recommends wearing a mouth guard for the following sports: Acrobatics Basketball Boxing Field Hockey Football Gymnastics Handball Ice Hockey Read More →

We don’t skimp on comfort at the Dentist!

Do you skip your dental visits because of anxiety, painful visits, or you’re just uncomfortable coming to see us?  We have some solutions for you! Many of our patients are sensitive to the noise made by our dental instruments. We provide television and headphones to keep your ears occupied by your favorite show instead! Many of our patients also bring an iPod or other device to listen to music or bring back one of our magazines to read. As hard as we try, our dental chairs will never be as comfortable as your bed or couch at home, but we do our best Read More →

Holiday uses for your floss!

The holidays are quickly on their way and if you are anything like me I can easily find myself in a bind when it comes to having holiday guests. In addition to keeping your pearly whites clean for those holiday photo smiles, did you know that floss can be handy for other holiday preparations? Have a holiday sign and no way to hang it? Use floss on the back to hang on a nail! Can’t find your ornament hangers? Tie floss on your ornaments to hang them on the tree! Do you like to have a string of popcorn garland Read More →